In Memory of the best Bouv ever, our Oliver.
Bouvier Breeder, Mariko Saum delivering our new puppy. I'm so happy and excited to have another Bouvier. I just love them. This has become my favorite breed, thanks to Mariko. Most of her dogs are trained to herd, since the Bouvier is a herding dog. They love to jump, not necessarily over things, but up and down bouncing.
I guess this isn't too bad. Now, I need to figure out how to slip the lead.
He arrived with two of his litter mates that are going to be delivered to their new homes, too.
Mariko and her friend are on their way to a dog show in Vancouver, WA today. So, this is one of the full grown show Bouviers in the truck. Their great big nose is always so cute.
Looks like the dogs are gonna do the driving on this trip- all in the front.
What a cutie. He has leather pieces in his ears to keep them straight up. Eventually, they will just fall out. The ears aren't just clipped for show, but to keep them from getting fungus and ear infections. Herding dogs normally live with the herd to protect them, so are in all types of weather.
No, let me out. I must run and see everything. We'll keep him in the kitchen till the little guy is house broken. At night he'll sleep in his crate with a pad, just to be sure we don't have any accidents.
Our little guy is already all worn out from his big travel day, then Robert took him for a walk around the property where he will love patrolling.
The tail is docked for their safety, so as not to get foxtails caught in them and cause an infection under the skin. When out herding, they get into all sorts of things, especially brush weeds.
Teaching my new boy to eat his veggies. He loves them, as you can see.
These dogs are great for security. They patrol all day non-stop. When Oliver got older, he would still patrol all day and then drop when he ot inside. He was amazing.